A lot of people ask me, “How do you set up your laundry room?” and today I’m going to show you. These are the products that I use. I know it looks like a lot, but once you set it up, you are going to have everything you need and it’s going to last a really long time. So let’s get started.

1. Laundry Flakes
First and foremost are my laundry flakes. I formulated them myself. They’re the most gentle product I could find on the market, they are safe to wash every single thing you use, and what’s great about it… you use one tablespoon for an entire load of laundry. The bag lasts a long time, and your clothes come out like, amazing.

2. Sport Detergent
The next thing I have is Sport Detergent. I talk about Sport Detergent from The Laundress Constantly. The Sport Detergent from The Laundress is the only thing I have ever found that completely cleans your activewear or your techno-driven fibers. So anything that is polyester, be it an undershirt, lingerie, or athleisure, the Sport Detergent brings it back to life. It makes it fresh, new, and sweet-smelling. I LOVE it.

3. Oxygen Bleach
From food stains to oxidation, oxygen bleach does it all. Free of harsh chemical smells, this powerful alternative to chlorine bleach works wonders to safely remove dirt, stains, and odors. Add to the wash cycle to whiten and brighten clothes—You can also use this single product to clean your entire home— tiles, sinks, and surfaces.
4. The Signature Detergent
The thing I love about the signature detergent is it’s your basic. It’s your go-to when you need a liquid detergent. When I’m going to throw some clothes in the wash and I’m not entirely sure what to use, I’m going to use the signature detergent because I know it’s always safe.
5. The Darks Detergent
The next on my list is the Darks Detergent. The Darks Detergent is the Signature Detergent with the addition of some color guard. What I love about this is when I wash my black, I know its going to come out just as black and rich as when it went in. Except, it’s going to be a little cleaner. So I love the Darks Detergent.

6. The LeLabo Detergent
The next on my list is the Darks Detergent. The Darks Detergent is the Signature Detergent with the addition of some color guard. What I love about this is when I wash my black, I know its going to come out just as black and rich as when it went in. Except, it’s going to be a little cleaner. So I love the Darks Detergent.

7. Crease Release
The next on my list is the Darks Detergent. The Darks Detergent is the Signature Detergent with the addition of some color guard. What I love about this is when I wash my black, I know its going to come out just as black and rich as when it went in. Except, it’s going to be a little cleaner. So I love the Darks Detergent.

8. Stain Bar
One of the cores of stain solution is the Stain Bar and the Stain Brush. This is a horsehair brush, it’s safe enough to scrub even cashmere. The washing stain bar from the Laundry Evangelist gets out 95% of stains. I use it all the time. This is the thing I replace most often, fortunately, it’s the smallest thing I have here.
And then the magic three… these are the three things you will see me go to over and over and over.

9. Rubbing Alcohol
It’s in a spray bottle because I use it that much… It’s great in a spray bottle because it makes it so much easier to use and so much faster.

10. Vodka
No… it’s not to drink! Although, whenever you’re filling up the bottle, if you pour yourself a glass… you pour yourself a glass.

11. Vinegar and Water
My all time favorite… vinegar and water. Vinegar and water is the thing that I go to and reach for all the time. It’s just plain white vinegar mixed with water in a 50/50 ratio. Honestly, I can’t even tell you how much you’ll use it. If you watch the videos, you’ll see how much I use it.

12. Stain Cloths
And last… but certainly not least, my Stain Cloths. I have to have stain cloths because I put these under every single stain before I go to treat it because it keeps the stain from moving through to the other fabric., Plus they are very absorbent. They are terry cloth, so they are going to help absorb the stain. They are going to help in your stain treating process, and they are going to keep the stain from running through to the backside of the fabric, or onto your ironing board, which is what I typically treat on because I have a small laundry room.