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You know what else you’re doing wrong? Laundry. Don’t worry, a new book offers hope.

"I own very few clothes. But what I have, I love. So I do laundry often. Too often, according to Patric Richardson, a.k.a. “the laundry evangelist.” Most everything we assume about the task — long wash times, the amount of soap to use, how often we wash things, dry-cleaning wool and cashmere — is wrong, according to Richardson.

In his new book, “Laundry Love: Finding Joy in a Common Chore,” Richardson asks us to reconsider our relationship with our clothing, indeed with all our fabrics. He believes, quite passionately, that textiles — what we wear, dry ourselves with, sleep on — matter in ways most of us take for granted."

Keep reading John Kenney's article at The Washington Post

“Laundry Love” author Patric Richardson (Jesi Hoolihan)

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